SESSION 1: X-Ways Forensics Practitioner's Guide/2E Online Course

Jan 31, 2022


Welcome! I look forward to seeing you in the course. A day before each session, I will send a reminder email with login information, and I'll send another email right before the each session begins (just in case...).

During this month, you have full access to me for any questions, discussions, suggestions, and guidance in anything X-Ways or general forensic work.

One thing to keep in mind with this course, I am not ever teaching that any "one" tool does everything you need. Where another tool does better than X-Ways, I will tell you. But where X-Ways shines above the rest, I will let you know that too.

Some housekeeping:

1- You don't need a license of XWF to complete this course

2- You'll have access to most datasets that I use for more practice and testing with your other tools

3- Course will be live streamed via Zoom (login info will be sent tomorrow and Tuesday morning)

4- Recordings of the entire course will be made available afterward

Thanks again for hopping on the X-Ways train, and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!