In short, everything happened at once or in short succession...the DFIR Training site was attacked, practically everything wiped out. The latest backup wasn't much good as it was also compromised. Then came court. Then came personal fires popping up everywhere. Illness and everything...
Session 1 and 2 are finished (recordings are uploaded). Session 3 will be at 10AM (Pacific time) on Tuesday, February 8.
So far, we've gone over what is X-Ways, documentation that you can use for credibility in using it, and basic configuration considerations.
Next, we will be working in...
Welcome! I look forward to seeing you in the course. A day before each session, I will send a reminder email with login information, and I'll send another email right before the each session begins (just in...
Here it comes!
After a long and unexpected delay, the newest update to the X-Ways Forensics Practitioner's Guide online course is starting on February 1, 2022.
The course will be live streamed, two days a week, for the entire month of February with a few extra sessions of live interaction to...
Well, maybe I want a little more, but I would certainly be happy to win a full license to Cyber Triage from Basis Technology.
To cap off the imminent end of 2021, enter for your chance to win a full license of Cyber Triage to put under your Christmas tree. To find out about Cyber Triage,...
Yes, here it is again, another change. But this is for the better as your experience in accessing content will be much cleaner and easier.
For the DFIR Training subscribers who had their access cut short, I will be sending you information on re-activating your subscription with bonus...
A few years ago, I wrote a blog post on regulation in the Digital Forensics/Incident Response field titled “The last thing we want in DF/IR is the first thing we need in DF/IR (aka: regulations….) . Sooner or later (probably sooner!), my predictions from that post will come...